05/08/2003 Челси интересовался только Роналдо, Роналдо и только Роналдо Рауль верит в могущество «Реала» Календарь
This day in history of Ronaldo
2003 Émerson rebate críticas e diz que é útil para a seleção Em clima de final, Brasil treina com Ronaldinho entre titulares RONALDINHO: "DEL MADRID DESTACARÍA A IKER CASILLAS" RONALDO: "‘PELITOS’, ESTE AÑO LA LIGA SERÁ BLANCA" CHOQUE VITAL PARA LA CLASIFICACIÓN Южная Америка: отборочные матчи ЧМ РОНАЛДИНЬО: "В МАДРИДЕ ВСЕ ХОРОШИ, ОТ КАСИЛЬЯСА ДО РОНАЛДО" РОНАЛДО: "ВОЛОСАТИК, В ЭТОМ ГОДУ ЛИГА БУДЕТ БЕЛОЙ" Жизненно важный матч отборочного тура РОНАЛДО ВЫЗЫВАЕТ НА ДУЭЛЬ РОНАЛДИНЬО 2004 U2 pode cantar no casório de Cicarelli e Ronaldo Cicarelli tem dia melhor do que Ronaldo na Europa Los internacionales dan una alegría a Camacho Сентябрьский марафон "Реала": 7 игр за 22 дня Игроки Мадрида возвращались на базу Роналдо не посмотрел показ Даниелы Brazil choose the wrong time to party? 2005 Luxemburgo: Robinho pode ser titular LUXEMBURGO: "EL REAL MADRID NO ES ROBINHO" RONALDO Y SERGIO RAMOS, CONVOCADOS ANTE EL CELTA Роналдо в заявке на игру против"Сельты" Ronaldo passed fit to face Celta Vigo 2006 "Милан" не отпустит Кака в Мадрид «Реал», который строит Капелло Роналдо: мне понравилась игра Карвалью в Норвегии 2007 Dunga treina com Ronaldinho e Kaká como titulares Milan manda médico ao Brasil para acompanhar Ronaldo Ronaldo si cura con la genetica Роналдо потребуется две недели на восстановление от травмы Вагнер Лав помог сборной Бразилии обыграть США 2008 RONALDO.RU - 7 anhos!!! RONALDO.RU - 7 лет!!! Photos: Ronaldo training (Фото: Роналдо тренируется еще раз на базе "Фламенго") Photos: Ronaldo treina na praia Ronaldo ofusca bolivianos em treinamento na Gávea Ronaldo visita seleção brasileira e recebe elogios Após visita, seleção torce por retorno de Ronaldo Assediado, Ronaldo faz treino físico no Leblon К ЧМ-2014 Бразилия построит высокоскоростную железную дорогу Роналдо: «Есть варианты с «Манчестер Сити» и «Фламенго» Ronaldo says Man. City, Flamengo are options 2009 Video: Brazil vs Chile (4-2) All Goals Highlights [2010 FIFA World Cup South America] С Днем Роналдо!!! Today is Ronaldo's day!!! Feliz Dia de Ronaldo!!! Ronaldo lidera enquete pelo melhor atacante De olho em retorno, Ronaldo treina na academia em Itu Vagner Love aponta Ronaldo como concorrente à vaga na Seleção Corinthians quer igualar Ronaldo a Kaká Recuperado, Ronaldo faz treino físico em Itu Ronaldo tenta abreviar volta e treina em dia de atividade cancelada no Corinthians Ronaldo e mais quatro treinam pela manhã Ronaldo es el mejor '9' de la historia para nuestros internautas Роналдо - величайшая "девятка" в истории футбола Лав: "Роналдо - мой конкурент за место в сборной" Бразилия на своем поле примет команду Чили Немотивированная сборная Бразилии по футболу забила соперникам четыре мяча 2011 Месси: Неймар очень силён, но лучшим нападающим мира считаю Роналдо 2013 Partners
The excitement that Real Madrid provoked during their Asian Tour had to be hold again in the presentation of the second match Real is playing in the Realmadridasiantour 2003. About 600 people waited for the arrival of the first members of the Spanish expedition. The president of F.C. Tokyo, Masahiro Tucahava, made a speech to thank the afford that the club has made in accepting to play this encounter against F.C. Tokyo: “the Japanese people are looking forward to enjoying Real Madrid footfall”. Florentino Pérez was given a great applause before starting his intervention. Real Madrid President summarised in his speech the history of the club and assured the players will try to do their best in playing against F.C. Tokyo. The beer company, Santory, expressed their wish the visit of Real Madrid to Japan means the definitive expansion of Japanese football.. Javier Conde, Spanish ambassador in Japan, said he felt “proud of introducing the members of the Club as the best ambassadors Spain may have”, and he didn't let pass the opportunity of comparing the colours of F. C Tokyo with the colours of Barcelona, which makes the encounter to play on Tuesday “of great intensity”. Before the arrival of the players, there was a toast to the good development of the tour. While enjoying a snack, two videos with the best moments in Real Madrid and F.C. Tokyo history as clubs were showed. Then, following a group of flamenco dancers made his entrance Raúl, Casillas, Guti and the rest of the players. The Whites, surprised with the enthusiastic welcome, showed their gratitude giving the audience a big applause. The players also enjoyed the music and dance of a Japanese typical group, known as edo, ashihara, rujin, daiko. F.C. Tokyo coach, Hiromi Hara, y and its captain, Ruji Fujiyama, were in charge of giving Raúl González and Carlos Queiroz some presents as a way of thanking Real Madrid for this historic visit to the Japanese club. Real Madrid number 7 also give a shirt and a flag as a remembering of the event. At the end of the act Roberto Carlos y Ronaldo talked to some Brazilian-born players that played for the Japanese club.
Report: José L. Sánchez |
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